Professional Endorsements
"I have served as the Brazos County Sheriff for six 4-year terms. When I first took office in 1997, I set up two positions to serve as my Command Staff, each to assist in directing and managing the Office. I appointed Wayne Dicky to one of those positions and he continues to serve today.
Wayne has served the Sheriff’s Office for 34 years in a variety of capacities. In his Command capacity he has assisted me in directing operations, developing a $23 million budget and managing over 260 officers, deputies and staff.
During my tenure, the jail system has grown from 402 beds to 1,088. I have counted on Wayne to help me direct the development of our organization with a vision for the future. We have implemented innovations such as building a direct supervision jail, established a community Crisis Intervention Team and developed the Inmate Behavior Management System making our jail more efficient and safe.
I'm proud of the organization that we've built. We have embraced improvement at every level and are recognized in Texas and across the Nation for our innovation and our leadership.
There is a difference in serving the Office of the Sheriff. Wayne understands what it means to serve and has demonstrated a commitment to the Office. Wayne is highly regarded within Texas and across the Country for his knowledge and leadership abilities. He was elected by his peers to serve as the President for both the Texas Jail Association and the American Jail Association.
As I leave the Office of Sheriff, continuity of operations is important to me. I have trusted Wayne and believe that he will continue to lead in the direction that we have set in place.
Please join me in voting for Wayne Dicky."
Sheriff Chris Kirk
Brazos County, TX
"Wayne was a deputy sheriff on patrol when I initially worked with MHMR of Brazos Valley in 1992, was one of my training officers when I started with Brazos County Sheriff's Office in 1994, and then became a trusted friend, peer, and advisor throughout my career with the U.S. Marshals Service from 1996 until my retirement in 2018.
In my tenure as a Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal from 2006-2018, Wayne was an invaluable resource and partner as I learned the Texas Jail systems, was responsible for housing thousands of federal inmates, and faced the daily challenges of prisoner movement, detention and security. His management of the Brazos County jail facilities was consistently one of the highest merit. Wayne’s reputation of excellence was always embodied in his leadership, management, and supervision as a Jail Administrator, and has been a standard in not only central Texas, but throughout the state.
Running a jail system is by far the biggest challenge for any Sheriff, as the security, effective management of both employees and inmates, as well as the safe and responsible implementation of typically the largest county budget item all fall under the responsibility of the office and within the jail. No one is more qualified in this position than Wayne Dicky. Not only in his experience, but in his proven leadership and integrity.
As a graduate of Texas A&M, as a former resident and employee of Brazos County, I am proud to call Wayne a trusted friend, mentor, and colleague and without hesitation endorse him as the next Sheriff of Brazos County."
Dan Phillips
National Director
Responder Health
Chief Deputy United States Marshal (Retired)
I have had the honor to meet and work with incredible law enforcement and criminal justice professionals across our great state of Texas, and across our nation during my tenure as Director of the prison division within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. In my current interactions within criminal justice through statewide and national professional associations, I continue to work with some
of our best leadership serving our communities focusing on enhancing our public safety.
I recognize Wayne Dicky as truly one of the very best of the best and hold him in the highest esteem as a dedicated and committed law enforcement and criminal justice professional. His leadership capacity, his knowledge, his dedication, and his wisdom are widely recognized, and as evidenced by his incredible resume and credentials (and his frequent role in serving as speaker, instructor, advisor).
On a personal note, my daughter and her husband (both Aggies) with their two children (my two grandkids) own a business and live in College Station, and it gives me great comfort and reassurance knowing that the responsibility for the well-being and safety of the citizens of Brazos County pass from the immensely respected Sheriff Kirk to the respected, dedicated and committed leadership of Wayne
Doug Dretke
Director of Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Correctional Institutions Division (Retired)
"I would like to share a little about the man and my friend Wayne Dicky.
My law enforcement career started with Brazos County began in 1986 in the Jail Division. I was assigned to the booking area and my first partner was Wayne Dicky. Yet only there 6 months longer than I he had already started on a new computer system and had the knowledge to teach me. He was wonderful with the new technology.
We both advanced to patrol a few years later. Wayne again took off and did an incredible job. I remember once in a call where a victim of domestic violence was calling for help and the actor had left the house with a rifle. Wayne responded and got to the scene knowing the actor would have the advantage but Wayne gained a safe vantage point, negotiated with the actor to give up his weapon and it all ended peacefully.
Wayne has always had such a wonderful calming demeanor. It has always been a pleasure working with him.
A couple of years later I remember Wayne and I talking of how the jail division was at a point where there was very little experienced long term deputy’s on staff and he asked my opinion of him taking his career path in a new direction and going back to the jail and working to become an administrator. I thought he was crazy, but he has done what he set out to do. Now he has set out a new goal. Since my retirement, I do not work with Wayne on a daily basis but I am so proud of my friend and his dedication to his career and I look forward to his leadership as Brazos County Sheriff. Please vote for Wayne Dicky your next Brazos Country Sheriff."
Edward Frank
Retired Brazos County Deputy
"On March 3rd, voters will have the responsibility of "hiring" the next Sheriff of Brazos County. As "hiring managers", our selection to fill this critically important law enforcement position should be based on the candidates' qualifications, experience and background. The office of sheriff is the equivalent of a chief of police, with the added responsibility of operating and managing a large jail. In fact, jail operations comprise the majority of the Sheriff's budget, personnel and other resources. Of the candidates running for this office, one candidate, WAYNE DICKY, is the clear choice from a hiring manager's standpoint.
Only one candidate has spent his entire career of 34 years working for the Sheriff's Office under three different sheriffs: WAYNE DICKY.
Only one candidate is a graduate of the prestigious FBI National Academy for law enforcement executives: WAYNE DICKY.
Only one candidate has law enforcement executive experience, managing multi-million dollar budgets and almost 180 personnel: WAYNE DICKY.
Only one candidate has been endorsed by the current sheriff, Chris Kirk, to fill the position and maintain the outstanding legacy of the past 24 years: WAYNE DICKY.
I became acquainted with and knew Wayne Dicky during most of the 30 years I worked at the Bryan Police Department. I had the opportunity to work alongside Wayne on large projects. I found Wayne to be cooperative, collaborative and easy to work with. I believe he will continue those essential traits as Sheriff of Brazos County. Please join me in selecting the most qualified candidate for this position. WAYNE DICKY is the most qualified candidate."
Gary Wentrcek
Bryan Police Department, Retired
"As a national leader in the field of law enforcement and jail administration, Wayne Dicky is a great candidate for Sheriff of Brazos County. I have known him for nearly a decade and in that time, I have seen our peers look to him for his knowledge, wisdom, and guidance.
I am the President of the American Jail Association (AJA) and a Past-Chair of the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections. In these roles, I know leaders in sheriff departments, correctional agencies and other law enforcement organizations from border to border and coast to coast. When I became President of the AJA, I needed a strong, bold and wise person to serve as my Parliamentarian. This is the role that keeps the head of our association within the guardrails of what our policies and rules allow. Wayne was without question the person who I knew should hold this title as he is known nationally through our Association to lead with humility, dignity, and honor. I'd come to know these traits personally about him while serving on the Board together, including the time he was also President.
Through our work on the Legislative Affairs Committee of the AJA, we visited Washington, D.C. annually. There, we advocated for justice reforms which are fair, just and reasonable to the communities we serve but also to the law enforcement agencies responsible for administering it. Wayne always brought common-sense approaches to this advocacy and was well received by members of Congress and their offices.
When he shared with me that he was contemplating running for Sheriff and had been praying on it, I smiled as I knew that he is the definition of a servant leader. Thoughtful, firm and fair! After working his way up through the ranks over 34 years, it is time for him to begin his next chapter and take the helm with proven experience. Wayne will be an outstanding Sheriff and will serve the people of Brazos County well."
Elias Diggins
President, American Jail Association
"I have known Wayne Dicky for over a decade and count him as a good friend and colleague. I am writing this letter, not to list a great many accomplishments that Wayne has made, but rather what I have witnessed as he made some of those accomplishments when we served on the American Jail Association Board of Directors and as President.
In a conversation with Sheriff Chris Kirk a long while ago, he told me that Wayne was the best “analytical thinker” he has ever known. I completely agree. In meetings with law enforcement and corrections professionals alike, discussing topics that were fraught with disagreements, sometimes angry and emotional disagreements, Wayne stayed calm and composed. When he did speak, he calmly attempted to identify the strong points of some of the opinions presented and, diplomatically, explained why he thought some of the other ideas were not so strong. I’m not going to tell you that Wayne’s input made the problems vanish, but in most cases, the participants returned to professional behavior and focused on the actual problem, not personalities. In the dozens of meetings I have participated in with Wayne and others I have never seen Wayne Dicky act less than professional. Everyone deserves a sheriff with that capability.
I have been a deputy sheriff of various ranks for 37 years and worked for four outstanding sheriffs, so I think I know what a good sheriff looks like. Wayne Dicky has all the characteristics that will make him an outstanding sheriff. He is intelligent, ethical, hardworking, and leads from the front. Brazos County deserves a sheriff with those characteristics, so seize this opportunity to have an outstanding sheriff and vote for Wayne Dicky."
Mitch Lucas
Assistant Sheriff, Charleston County Sheriff's Office
Charleston, SC
"I would like to recommend Wayne Dicky for Brazos County Sheriff. I met Wayne back in 1996 when we both were selected to participate in the Chamber's Leadership Brazos Program. Wayne went on to serve in several leadership positions in the Leadership Brazos Alumni Association, including Chairman in 2010-2011. I am retired from the College Station Police Department, and while there Wayne and I worked together every year with the Special Olympics' "Tip-A-Cop" fundraising event.
Wayne has been at the Brazos County Sheriff's Office for 34 years and has been Jail Administrator for the past 23. During this time, Wayne has held top leadership positions as the President of the Texas Jail Association and as President of the American Jail Association. Wayne has received the endorsement of our current Sheriff, Chris Kirk, and I hope you will consider joining me in voting for Wayne Dicky for our next Brazos County Sheriff."
Scott Simpson
College Station Police Department, Retired
"Unassuming leader. Respected national voice. Those are only a few words to describe the impact of Wayne Dicky and his years of service in the field of criminal justice.
I met Wayne about 15 years ago when we served on a commission to evaluate jail managers for national certification. Quickly, I came to respect his knowledge and perspective as we reviewed all aspects of the process. Soon after, Wayne was elected to the Board of Directors for the American Jail Association (AJA), where he eventually served as President. During his tenure, he exhibited true aspects of leadership, always listening and giving all voices an opportunity to be heard. His knowledge is unparalleled, and his commitment to education and training continues to shape the leaders in jails across America.
As the President-Elect of AJA, I continue to seek Wayne's guidance and perspective on difficult issues, as I consider him to be a mentor and a friend. Wayne is always the voice of reason, and I trust him to lead in a manner that reflects the highest ethics and deliberation in the toughest of situations. Undoubtedly, Wayne Dicky is the obvious choice to be the next leader of your Brazos County Sheriff's Office."
Marsha Travis
Administrator, Davidson County Sheriff's Office, TN
"I have had the pleasure of knowing Wayne Dicky for approximately 10 years. Our relationship started in the professional realm as we served as members of the American Jail Association's Board of Directors. Almost immediately, I recognized that Wayne had the acumen to advance the needs of the jail practitioners represented by the AJA on the national level.
Accordingly, when Wayne decided to seek the presidency of the association, I totally supported his efforts. While advancing through the AJA leadership roles, I repeatedly witnessed Wayne demonstrate sound leadership and judgment. Of particular note was Wayne's unique ability to listen to the individual perspectives regarding a particular issue, synthesize the information, and then suggest well-reasoned courses of action.
Because of these leadership skills and many other professional characteristics, Wayne was selected to assist with the development of future correctional leaders at the National Jail Leadership Command Academy at Sam Houston State University, his alma mater. In addition, Wayne serves as an adviser for the National Institute of Corrections. It is important to note that these additional duties on the national level are performed concurrently with his service as the jail administrator in Brazos County, a true testament to his work ethic and dedication to the advancement of law enforcement.
The above mentioned professional overview of Wayne's contributions to the correctional career-field warrants his consideration for sheriff of Brazos County, but what makes him right for the job is Wayne, the man.
I am a black man from Miami, but, whenever I reach out to Wayne about professional and personal matters, he always avails his time and counsel. The selfless allocation of his time to address my needs confirms that he cares about me. I can't think of a more important quality that a public-figure would need to possess.
I hope Brazos County residents get an opportunity to benefit from the leadership and altruistic abilities possessed by my friend Wayne Dicky."
John W. Johnson Sr.
Jail Commander, Miami-Dade Department of Corrections
"It is my hope that all my friends living in Brazos County will support and vote for Wayne Dicky, a candidate for Sheriff of Brazos County in the Republication primary, who I’ve known for many years and consider a close friend.
For the past 23 years, Brazos County has been blessed with an outstanding Sheriff in Chris Kirk, who has done an admirable job of leading a complex organization in addressing crime and promoting public safety. A key member of his administration has been Wayne Dicky, who now seeks the office following Chris’s decision not to pursue another term. It is significant to note that Chris has endorsed Wayne to succeed him.
Wayne, who has been with the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office for more than three decades and has held almost every position within the agency, has served as Jail Administrator for 22 years. In that capacity, he is responsible for an annual budget of $14 million and more than 180 employees. His able administration of the Detention Division has reflected favorably on the agency and on those of us who live in Brazos County.
A graduate of Sam Houston State University with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in criminal justice, Wayne holds a number of professional certifications as well; he is a Certified Jail Manager through the American Jail Association and a Certified Correctional Executive through the American Correctional Association. He is also a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy and the Leadership Command College of the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas.
Wayne is a recognized leader in the criminal justice profession, not only in Texas but nationally; he has served as President of both the Texas Jail Association and the American Jail Association. Too, he is frequently called upon to provide training and technical assistance to a number of law enforcement agencies and organizations. He is an instructor for the National Jail Leadership Command Academy and for several programs offered by the Correctional Management Institute of Texas.
Of the candidates seeking the office of Sheriff of Brazos County, none has the dedicated commitment or breadth of experience this position demands except Wayne Dicky. I hope you will join Donna and me in voting for Wayne in the Republican primary. Early voting commences on February 18 for the primary election on March 3, 2020."
Dan Beto
Executive Director (Retired)
Correctional Management Institute of Texas
"Sheriff Chris Kirk has consistently been responsible for a very efficient and professional organization. He did that by carefully selecting quality personnel to fill key positions. One of those individuals was Wayne Dicky as jail administrator.
Wayne is responsible for the largest part of the sheriff's budget, and the 186 employees of that department. The budget for the jail is more than $15 million, and he has been a good steward of those tax dollars.
It is very obvious that he is the better-qualified to fill the position of Brazos County sheriff and assure that the reputation as one of the best departments in the state continues. He is endorsed by Sheriff Kirk.
While I served as Brazos County judge, I observed Wayne's commitment to the county and his conservative values for our taxpayers' dollars.
Your decision to vote for Wayne Dicky will be one for which you will be proud. Please join us to make Wayne our next professional sheriff."
Al Jones
Former Brazos County Judge